Case Study

Florida Senior Living and Retirement Community

Case Study

Brief Overview

The Kings Point resident's association has been faced with the challenging responsibility of overseeing the escalating energy expenses within a retirement community comprising over 13,000 residents located in Delray Beach, Florida.

Vesta Property Services, accountable for the day-to-day operations of the premises, had no choice but to transfer these growing energy costs to the residents as a standard component of their monthly assessment fee.

With energy costs consistently rising each year by percentages ranging from 10 to 15%, the heightened energy expenses posed a significant concern for the retired inhabitants, who were obligated to cover any increases using their fixed retirement incomes.

The team at Kings Point was already well-acquainted with endeavors aimed at conserving energy. They had previously encountered disappointment with an expensive solar system installation for an outdoor pool, resulting in minimal savings and a projected payback period of 15-20 years. This instance was merely one among numerous energy-saving endeavors that had held promising potential but ultimately yielded meager outcomes.

A Transparent, Proven Approach

The EnergyMaps methodology offered the Kings Point association a chance to assume control over their escalating energy expenditures, furnishing them with a clear and validated method for both tracking and enhancing energy utilization.

No more would the management team be compelled to rely on overstated assertions from adept salespeople; they would now be in control, and the discernible energy savings would be evident to everyone.

The Planning

The initial phase of the EnergyMaps procedure centers on gaining command over existing energy consumption, adhering to the principle that you cannot regulate something that you cannot measure.

After conducting an extensive initial site assessment, the Eniscope Real Time Energy Management solution was installed at a key energy focal point they had identified. Special attention was directed toward a spacious clubhouse where a significant portion of the residents' everyday activities took place.

The Eniscope system would empower the team to supervise activities and usage patterns within the complex, enabling them to compile a comprehensive commercial energy audit complete with recommendations for savings, all derived from the accumulated data.

Before the Eniscope installation, the committee was thoroughly briefed on the procedure. The objective was to gain control, reduce, and ultimately eliminate energy expenses. The agreement with the client stipulated that if a 25% reduction was feasible, they would implement these suggestions.

Upon completing the comprehensive commercial energy audit, the potential for savings was evident to everyone involved. A strategic plan was devised for the committee including a presentation to elucidate how the reductions could be realized, along with the projected timeframe within which they could expect returns on any investment.

The Survey

The goal is to ensure that each client experiences a favorable return on their investment within a desirable timeframe. In this instance, owing to the intricacies of the site, a payback period of 4 years was deemed necessary. Although this extended beyond the customary 2-year target range, it was still far more preferable than the 15-20 year span presented by previous solutions to King’s Point.

The crux of the proposals rested upon the wealth of information accumulated during the auditing and surveying processes. Without the comprehensive site survey, the data gleaned from the Eniscope solution, and a profound comprehension of their energy expenses, it would have been impossible to pinpoint the critical areas of consumption, substantiate the potential savings, and establish a feasible payback period.

The Statergy

Combining retrofit LED lighting systems with motion sensors, Aircosense, Chilled Unit Energy Savers (CUES) and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) on pool motors across the site.

Impressive results with 35% Reduction in annual energy spend.

The Solution

The proposal presented integrated retrofit LED lighting systems alongside motion sensors, Aircosense technology, Chilled Unit Energy Savers (CUES), and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) applied to pool motors across the entire site.

At the subsequent energy committee meeting, team was summoned to introduce this solution. After examining the historical data provided by the Eniscope, the committee expressed no hesitation in endorsing the proposed package with a resounding vote of 15 in favor and only 1 vote opting for a lengthier consideration period.

This outcome signifies a reduction of the estimated payback period from 4 years to a mere 2 years, resulting in an earlier return on investment than initially projected.

Moreover, possibilities for further amplifying these savings are now under scrutiny, as the management team explores the feasibility of extending the program to other sections of the premises.

Every resident has already experienced a decrease in their monthly assessment fees, allowing them to allocate more of their monthly budget to enjoyable pursuits. Remarkably, this adjustment has not compromised the quality of lighting; in fact, numerous residents have reported improved illumination levels in key sections of the premises.

Combining retrofit LED lighting systems with motion sensors, Aircosense, Chilled Unit Energy Savers (CUES) and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) on pool motors across the site.

The Results

Slightly more than a year later, Kings Point has reaped the rewards of a nearly 35% decrease in their yearly energy expenses, culminating in a monetary savings of $120,000 during the initial year.

Sharing her thoughts on this outcome, Lisa Manzione, Vice President of Special Projects at Vesta Facilities Management, says:

“We would absolutely recommend the BEST product to other companies. Vesta property services will continue to implement the products across the facilities we manage so that we can pass on the reductions to our residents.”

Every resident has already received the first reduction in their monthly assessment fees.