Case Study

SPAR Supermarkets - Scandinavia

Case Study

Supermarket Brands Rely on Eniscope for Proactive Energy Management

Scandinavian supermarkets benefit from comprehensive energy analysis

Best.Energy has been working hand-in-hand with KFI - a commercial foundation that owns around 50% of the rights to Meny and SPAR supermarkets across Denmark. KFI works to strengthen the position of independent food retailers in Denmark and makes leases and financial services available to them. In addition, KFI offers grants that helps merchants optimize the operation of their stores and their position on the local market. Reductions in energy consumption are a benefit for both the climate and the economy of the individual store. So far, KFI has helped 151 stores (70 Meny and 81 SPAR supermarkets) with energy management - stretching over 60 million kWh a year and bills of typically $150,000 to $450,000 pa for each supermarket.

What were KFI looking to deliver for their supermarkets?

There were four key areas important to KFI, all delivered by the combination of Eniscope and Best.Energy's regional team of analysts:

1. Overview and control of energy across their estate, previously controlled by individual shops

2. Monthly & quarterly reporting and benchmarking

3. Verification of new technologies.

4. Regular CSR reporting to meet government requirements.

What have the results of the project been?

As in any energy management contract, the role of the Best.Energy Team on the ground is just as critical as the Eniscope device itself. In this case, it is the proactive energy management service that is the true key to the project. Armed with granular, real-time energy consumption data from the Eniscope devices installed at each supermarket - over 300 Eniscopes in total and 2,000+ circuits monitored - the team was able to immediately identify energy wastage and work closely with KFI to eradicate it.

Effective & Immediate Energy Saving

As an example, focus on HVAC system waste at one location resulted in 50,000 kWh savings yearly. That’s just a single system, amongst more than 130 monitored across the KFI estate. In the immediate weeks following the start of the project, over 15% savings were found in more than forty of these systems - a huge amount of integral waste that had been costing the shop owners money for years. Even worse, Denmark charges HVAC at a higher tariff than other energy uses!

Overall, KFI shop owners are benefiting from around 4,000,000 kWh of energy savings every year, reducing their carbon footprint by over 575 tons of CO2.

Corporate Benefits

For KFI, who don’t benefit directly from energy savings at the store level - the key drivers were different. They wanted control, oversight and clarity on energy consumption. They wanted to be able to report to the Government effectively. Eniscope energy management enabled that.

Going Beyond Energy Saving

The extent of asset-level monitoring provided by Eniscope, means that additional benefits are provided around things like critical asset failure. The team will flag asset issues as they happen, allowing the technical team to maintain equipment more effectively - and store disruption to be minimised. We know it’s asset issues, and store closures, that really keep store-owners up at night so this is a huge value add.

”The Eniscope system in combination with the energy management services has given us an effective tool that delivers business insights and savings we never have had before”.

Peter Bank Madsen - Head of Construction, KFI

The Headline Figures

  • kWh Energy Saved 4 Million+ per annum

  • Locations in this project 150+ Stores

  • Eniscope Devices Active 300+

  • Tons of CO2 Saved 575 Annually