Case Study

Hotel In Nigeria

Case Study

29% Saving on Hotel in Nigeria

Brief Overview

For those of you that are not aware, Nigeria is a country rocked by crippling electricity prices and a national energy crisis that is showing no signs of loosening its grip. Power is only supplied intermittently and the population have to depend heavily on diesel generators as a costly backup.

In an effort to reduce spiraling utility prices and to become more energy efficient, a large hotel in the south of the country was seeking help to help put a stop to their excessive spending and regain control of their electricity and diesel consumption.

Following the Eniscope installation and the implementation of the recommended reduction steps, monthly consumption has been reduced by a huge 29%!

The Project

After an initial audit, several energy-saving initiatives were determined. However, the first step, as always, involved the installation of an Eniscope to gain insight into their energy usage.

This 61-bedroom hotel sourced its power directly from the grid and employed 2 large generators. The combined average monthly cost of electricity and diesel amounted to a substantial $5727 (averaged over the previous 9 months).

The Eniscope was in place for 8 weeks, and after the initial analysis, it was evident that energy was being wasted in several critical areas. Much of this expenditure was easily avoidable. Subsequently, a program was launched to educate staff on energy efficiency and the potential impact on both the business and the environment. The results achieved were truly outstanding!

The Results

Interestingly, these remarkable savings were achieved through the implementation of straightforward energy-saving measures. These measures, however, only became evident when viewed through the lens of an Eniscope.

For instance, the Eniscope data pinpointed significant energy consumption by hot water heaters. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the thermostats were incorrectly set, a simple fix.

Another revelation was the excessive power usage during the cleaning of the hotel and bedrooms by the Chamber Maids. A solution was found by instituting a policy: when entering a guest bedroom, all lighting and equipment, including room air conditioning, would be turned off unless the guest specified otherwise.

These modifications, in addition to other minor adjustments like increasing staff awareness and managing guest occupancy on a floor-by-floor basis (allowing the power on vacant floors to be turned off), collectively contributed to these substantial savings.

This case study serves as a valuable reminder of the numerous no/low-cost saving opportunities that emerge when you have a real-time energy management system like Eniscope to reveal precisely how and why your power is being consumed.


Average monthly spend was taken from $5,727 to $4,044 - a saving of $1,682.

This energy saving project cost the hotel $12,500, so their projected return on investment came in at under 8 months – an excellent result.