Case Study

TEX Plastics

Case Study

UK Plastics Manufacturer Saves 26.7% on Energy Bills

Injection moulding company, Tex Plastics, experiences the full potential of Best.Energy’s intuitive Eniscope solution, saving thousands of pounds.


At present, the UK manufacturing sector is being run into the ground by the weight of extortionate energy costs. Electricity bills have, in some cases, tripled in size, as the price per kWh spiked from 21p up briefly to as high as 97p at the end of 2022. Tex Plastics was feeling the heat of these mounting pressures, which were becoming close to unsustainable. They sought a solution that would transform the energy landscape of their facility and cut costs with immediate effect. Teaming up with Best.Energy was their first choice, and the results achieved exemplify why.


With measuring and managing consumption levels being a priority, Best.Energy were quick to install three Eniscopes on site, and within just a few short weeks, the Virtual Energy Management (VEM) team identified substantial energy waste areas within the air conditioning and ventilation systems, and pinpointed power hungry cooling and heating machinery that were needlessly burning through energy during their start up functions.

By integrating the Best.Energy AI-driven analysis tools with the real-time data now flowing from the Eniscopes on site, the machinery idle times could be analysed in the blink of an eye, providing insights into energy wastage throughout the 7-day working week. The engineering team on site now use this data every day to inform their decision making - with remarkable results.

The Results

• 26.7% total energy savings

• £237,000 annual savings executed

• Total visibility of energy consumption

• Reached a net cash flow gain within 3 months of the technology being active

• No CapEx deal

Lets take a closer look

Take a look at the impact graph below that demonstrates the consumption levels within the area, which was monitored and analysed from the beginning of January to the end of July 2023. Within the first 3 months of the year, 41.5 kWh was being used per day, against 16.96 kWh per day in the later months, seeing a total reduction of 59.13% in this area of the business alone. Savings figures such as these can be seen across multiple points in the facility, particularly within the more energy sapping machines such as the compressors, demonstrating the true value of the service.

What does the client think?

“The Best.Energy Eniscope system enabled us to not only measure the actual machine consumption in real time, but critically assess associated individual ancillary equipment used in the process such as heaters, ovens, compressors, etc. If you are a business that is serious about reducing energy consumption to cut costs, I would certainly recommend a conversation with Best.Energy to fully understand what they may be able to do to save money for your business”

Justin Davies, MD at Tex Plastics