Case Study


Case Study

USA School District Saves $8 million+ on Energy Costs

Best.Energy takes pride in participating in a substantial and swiftly advancing case study. While the project's remarkable $500 million value stands out, an even more remarkable aspect is the approach extended to the client, a U.S. school district, to facilitate its realization.


Hillsborough County Schools District stands out as one of the largest educational systems in the United States, comparable in size to the entire state of Rhode Island. Given its extensive square footage, their energy expenses are correspondingly substantial. Yet, facing limited budgetary resources for energy-saving initiatives, how could they even contemplate reducing these expenses?

Collaborating with Best.Energy and utilizing the cutting-edge technology of 'Eniscope', the project encompasses multiple phases of LED lighting installations. This not only leads to significant reductions in energy bills but also enhances the quality of lighting for students indoors.

This approach presents a series of appealing advantages to the client, with the unique facet that they don't need any initial capital expenditure. Additionally, they are relieved of the responsibility of maintaining new technologies and, in a groundbreaking move, receive an upfront portion of the projected energy savings at each stage from the funding entity.

The Benefits?

Having deployed 1,000 Eniscopes, Hillsborough Schools District anticipates annual savings of approximately $8 million on their electricity expenses, reflecting an impressive 15-20% reduction in energy usage to date! To gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's execution and the substantiated and consistent savings achieved through Eniscope, we invite you to watch the accompanying video.

Click the video to find out the details!